Learning Where to Fix Broken Teeth in Fairview, Halifax, Is Just the First Step

Life has been known to throw curve balls from time to time. If one of those curve balls someday ends up being a literal one and you find yourself with a sore mouth and a dental injury, you’ll probably be asking yourself where to fix broken teeth in Fairview, Halifax. The good news is that it’s an easy question to answer. Many dentists serving Fairview, Halifax, are currently welcoming new patients, or offer emergency dental services, so finding a dedicated, experienced dental professional will likely be fairly straightforward. Of course, that’s only the first step in getting the treatment you need. Read on to learn about different possible dental injury treatment options that you and your dentist can discuss before deciding which one is right for you. The dentist is obviously the trained expert in the room, but what treatment you get is entirely up to you, and the more knowledge you have in advance, the better prepared to make a decision you’ll be.




Time for a Little Bonding


In cases of relatively minor injury, all that might be required is what’s called bonded restoration. This is a painless procedure that uses a material called composite resin, which allows your dentist to rebuild and shape your injured tooth with a natural-looking substance that is malleable but hardens to a strong finish under bright lights. Using this composite resin, your dentist can fill in small gaps and holes left by missing tooth pieces so your smile is as good as new in no time. For slightly larger treatments, your dentist may need to apply a veneer of either composite resin or custom-made porcelain fittings that cover the whole front of a tooth to ensure that the finished product looks as natural and even as possible. Bonding and veneers are also used in cosmetic dentistry for patients who don’t have acute injuries, but who want the whitest, brightest smile possible.


A Crown Fit for a Tooth


For more serious injuries still, a tooth may be crowned. This is a tooth-repair procedure done when a tooth is badly damaged beyond the point of quick, simple fixes, but is not lost altogether. A hollow, tooth-shaped cap is put in place over the existing, remaining tooth to restore it to its original shape, size, and colour, and to let you resume all your normal day-to-day activities. This procedure requires a couple of visits to the dentist’s office and a bit of local anaesthesia during the early stages, but is generally fairly straightforward and results in a finished product that looks and acts very much like a normal, healthy, intact tooth.


Generally speaking, there’s no ambiguity with sports injuries or other prominent and painful events; there’s a sudden event and accompanying pain that makes it obvious you need to find out where to fix broken teeth in Fairview, Halifax. However, if you’re experiencing intermittent pain when you chew, or when you eat or drink something particularly hot or especially cold, you may also have a dental injury that needs professional attention. The first and most important step is to find a dentist that can advise you on the best treatment option and then work to get you back to normal as quickly and easily as possible.

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